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Have you ever wondered what family prayer could be beyond reciting memorized prayers? Ten Minutes with Jesus is a hands-on devotional designed to bring Christ to families, especially children, in a way that has everyone excited to do more. For every day in Advent you get:
• a reading from the lectionary • a hands-on activity • a reflection • questions for deeper meditation
Using everyday objects and simple activities, Ten Minutes with Jesus will open your family’s hearts to wonder and joy this Advent season and create a habit of family prayer that will impart a faith that isn’t so much a part of life as it is the stuff out of which life is made.
Chris and Rebecca Mann graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2010 with degrees in theology. Since then, they have been constantly involved in sharing the Gospel on any level. They have done Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children, RCIA for adults, and everywhere in between. Most importantly though, they have shared the Gospel with their 4 children. Ten Minutes with Jesus was born out of their love for the Lord and a desire to quicken the faith of the domestic church.
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Contact the authors directly for more information, speaking, and bulk orders.
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Seeds of Success is a story about a college student in his last semester who embarks on a journey to find the keys to success. This book can be your “ah ha” moment! It serves as a wake up call for men and women of all ages and occupations by helping them balance their lives and realize what matters most.
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An easy-to-read tool that opens doors.
Genre: leadership, fiction, personal growth, success
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Retreat to Success is a story about taking the time to slow down and find your life’s purpose. It’s about seeking, and hopefully finding, clarity. Open your mind and heart to the story of three people, all in different stages of life, who go on a retreat and find themselves.
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If You Don’t Grow, You Go! It has been said that culture eats strategy for breakfast every day. That pretty much sums up this book. If your organization is struggling, it is time to look in the mirror. If you turn around your culture, you will turn around your results.
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This small book has brought in tens of thousands of dollars in business. That is one way to put your book to use!
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Beware of Alligators and Ugly Stuff is a simple story that will move you to reflect on your own leadership and the challenges that your business faces. The book is really a story within a story. It features a conversation between a new CEO, who is taking over a struggling company, and a consultant who shares a unique story that has a tremendous impact on the new CEO. That story follows an Ogre on a journey through Swamp Land to Success. The Ogre faces great challenges and along the way has many opportunities to seek the help of others. Beware of Alligators and Ugly Stuff can be read in under an hour, but the insight can last far longer.
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An incredible door opener ... and business growth tool. This 5x7 paperback is powerful! It is also available in ebook formats.
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Seven Steps To A Life of Significance is a guide book for understanding what matters most to you and creating the life you desire! It is a culmination of Paul Brown's years of personal development, business experience, and real life learning. Paul combines the valuable theory of countless leadership experts with practical tools, allowing the reader to directly apply what they are learning to their own life and business.
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This powerful book is a great tool in opening doors to businesses and introducing the training materials that Paul and his team bring to the table.
Success in your business is Paul's goal. You can't beat that!