Book Description & Author Bio
Ride along on this epic sci-fi thriller with Josh Hamilton, an average science enthusiast college kid, as he transforms from a wimpy nerd to hero of the world. Befriending a former high school jock turned space geek, Mike, and his mischievous side kick, Alan, they enter a downward spiral which kicks into high gear after entering a national space contest.
After stumbling upon something top secret involving the international space station, their lives take a dramatic turn. This leads to a series of events that will question our existence beyond the wildest imaginations.
And then there’s Shelly. Does her beauty distract Josh from the mission ahead, or does it give him the courage and strength to believe in himself and save the world?
Break free of reality in this emotional roller coaster ride. From the valleys of sorrow to peaks of love, this fanciful storyline will leave you wanting more.
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