Next Steps

If you are an author and you have a book you would like published by one of the publishers within Author Pool, the next step is for you to reach out to your desired publisher. The publishers are listed on the Submit Book tab. Reach out to the publisher directly. Be sure to include:

  1. An update on your book (is it written, is it in process, your schedule, etc.)
  2. Samples of what you have written (such as a portion of the manuscript, an outline, first chapter, the whole book, etc.)
  3. What you plan to do with the book when it’s off the press and in your hands. What is your intended use for the book?

Submit your request to your desired publisher, giving them time to review and formulate feedback or questions. Read the Terms & Understanding page while you are waiting. Remember, the publisher is under no pressure to accept your book, but if it is approved, then you are in the Author Pool! The book process will begin, taking your book from where it is to the finished product, off the press, and in your hands!
Submit Your Book